Just learning the holy Quran is a noble and rewarding thing to do in itself. However, for those who wish to learn the Quran quickly, it’s super essential to approach this journey with two key ingredients: sincerity and dedication. Please do understand that the Holy Quran is not just another book you will read and toss aside, but in-fact a guide to living a life that pleases our maker: Allah. Allah himself puts this in the Quran:

وَرَتِّلِ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ تَرۡتِيلًا
“…and recite the Quran with measured recitation.”
(Surah Al-Muzzammil, 73:4)

Many of our current students share that when they start to learn the Quran, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it is pretty common. But then they quickly discover that, much like any new habit, once you develop the stamina to remain consistent, its not very difficult to learn the Quran quickly!

The process itself becomes much easier and incredibly fulfilling. To provide you with deeper, detailed insights, let us explore some practical strategies and techniques to speed up your Quran learning process while deepening your connection with its teachings:

Learn the Quran quickly


Start with the Qaida for Learning Quran

You start learning the Quran by mastering its basics. That is, you start with the Qaida. It helps you understand the Arabic alphabet and phonetics, which are foundational for reading the Quran properly. Quranic Qaida will teach you the proper pronunciation and rules for reading Quran, paving the way for accurate recitation of the actual scripture. Imam Al-Ghazali, a famous Muslim Scholar, once put the importance of Qaida like this,

The key to knowledge is learning the fundamentals.

Starting with the Qaida ensures that your foundation in Quranic recitation is solid. The people we teach Quran right now often recall how initially, the sounds and shapes of the letters felt foreign to them, but with daily practice, it has now become like a second nature, and soon, “the words begin to flow effortlessly”.

Learn the Quran Quickly by Mastering Arabic Grammar

To learn the Quran quickly, it’s vital to master Arabic vocabulary and grammar. Understanding the language of the Quran allows you to connect deeply with its verses and improves your recitation accuracy. Engage in regular practice sessions focusing on the rules of Quranic writing and pronunciation to reinforce your learning. In our regular online classes, our teachers ensure you get a hold of major Arabic grammar rules by speaking directly with them, thus, you will understand the Quran deeply as you study it. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of understanding the Quran:

“The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.”
(Sahih Bukhari)

Honestly though (confession time), even today after teaching so many people, as I sit to delve deeper into Ayats, I noticed that these Arabic verses suddenly make more, newer sense in their meaning and by an extension, their interpretations. This connection makes each session of Quranic recitation feel like a conversation with Allah Subhan Va Ta’aala himself!

Practice Regularly to Learn the Quran Quickly

Consistency is key when it comes to Quranic education. I mentioned the same thing in the very heading for a reason, because you will have to practice regularly to learn the Quran quickly. Avoid long gaps between your study sessions. Short, focused bursts of study time are time-tested more effective than infrequent, longer sessions. By dedicating a few minutes daily to Quran study, you’ll find yourself progressing steadily. Thus, in our own classes our teacher ensures to strike just the right balance between keeping care of your schedule and maintaining a consistent learning thread all the while you are learning the Holy Quran. As Ibn Mas’ud (RA) said,

The Quran is a treasure chest; every time you open it, you discover more pearls of wisdom.

Over time, what may have started as a challenge to yourself will most certainly become a cherished part of your day—something you will look forward to, knowing that you will be enriching your soul.

Learn the Quran Quickly by Leveraging Interactive Technology

Incorporating technology into your Quran study sessions enhances your learning experience. Interactive video sessions for Quran learning and online platforms offer a range of resources that can help you learn at your own pace. These tools often include features like Tajweed tutorials, vocabulary-building exercises, and one-on-one instruction from Quran tutors.

That’s the very convenience you will find by using AlQuran Desk. Every session, you will correct mistakes you won’t even know you are making because of the Quran being in a foreign language. This eases of having a tutor in your pocket means you could learn anywhere, anytime, making it easier to stay consistent.

Work with an Instructor to Comprehend the Quran

Having a knowledgeable teacher is invaluable in your journey to learn the Quran. Your teacher obviously is trained to teach you what they know but more importantly, they see the value in it and can help you understand and take home the same value for yourself. I remember a famous line by Imam Malik who once said,

Knowledge does not consist in narrating much. Knowledge is but a light which Allah places in the heart.

Thus, working with an instructor ensures that you’re learning the correct methods to reach correct way. A tutor for yourself can provide personalized guidance. At AlQuran Desk, our expert Arabic speaking teachers and international Quran scholars clarify difficult concepts and answer questions posed by their curious students (much like you), making their study more effective. Working with a teacher will help you too to ignite and keep this light of understanding burning. I remember how my teacher would explain the nuances of certain verses, which brought the text to life in ways that I at least hadn’t imagined!

Learn Tajweed for Accurate Pronunciation of Arabic Words

Tajweed is the art of reciting the Quran with proper pronunciation and rhythm. Learning Tajweed is essential for accurate recitation of Arabic words, but it does take some time. On the plus side though, by mastering Tajweed, you not only recite the Quran correctly but also enhance your spiritual connection with its verses. The step-by-step approach that our in-house teachers adopt with our students ensures that your learning is both thorough and quick.

To be fully honest, Tajweed does become the favorite part of learning the Quran for many of our students. The rhythm and melody of the verses, once mastered, upgrades the whole act of recitation from just an obligation to a sheer state of joy.

Engage with the Teacher & Ask Questions to Learn the Quran Quickly

Interaction with your teacher plays a crucial role in your learning process by providing you a conversation platform to make your Quranic understanding even better. Engage with your Quran teacher. Ask questions to clarify any doubts that you may have. This two-way engagement will help you in deepening your understanding of the Quran and your teacher can better guide you, ensuring that you are on the right path. Ibn Abbas (RA) once said,

Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.

Asking questions and seeking clarity is a vital part of this obligation. Don’t hesitate to ask for answers. Each question you ask brings you closer to understanding Allah’s holy word, and to learn the Quran quickly!

Techniques to Memorize Quran Quickly

For those of you aiming to memorize the Quran, there certainly are techniques that can aid in fast Quran memorization. Start by breaking your study into manageable sections, repeating verses multiple times, and (for those of you who are visual learners) using visualization to remember the text. Combining these strategies with a consistent, sincere intention will help you achieve your goal faster (sorry I bring up consistency time and time again, its that important!).

Many of our existing Quran memorization students find out that retaining this holy knowledge becomes greatly important if they set aside a quiet time each day to focus only on the lesson. They put their notifications to mute, turn on the focus assist on their respective devices and in doing so, significantly boost their ability to retain the learnt verses. A key scholar of Islam, Imam Shafi’i advises that,

To memorize, one must be pure of heart and intention, turning away from sins and worldly distractions.

Reliance on Allah’s Help

Finally, the most important way to learn the Quran quickly is to have a sincere belief on Allah’s help. Your purpose should be to seek Allah’s pleasure by learning his holy scripture, and to gain knowledge that will benefit you in this life and the Hereafter. Always rely on Allah’s help throughout your journey, and He will open doors for you that you never imagined. That’s not me saying all this, listen to what Allah himself reminds us in the Quran:

وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
“And say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge.'”
(Surah Taha, 20:114)

One key thing before you move in is to understand that learning this holy scripture is a lifelong journey. Its only that with the right strategies and dedication, you can make learn the Quran quickly. But always keep this in mind that the goal is not just to finish the Quran and forget about it. That should absolutely not happen. The purpose is to understand and implement its teachings in your daily life.

May Allah guide us all on the path of knowledge and grant us success in our Quranic studies. Ameen!

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And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?" (54:17)



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