Al Quran Desk - Best Online Quran Academy

Learn Quran Online: Quran Classes for Kids, Beginners & Adults

Virtual Quranic Education from the Best Online Quran Academy

Minnesota Online Quran Classes

To facilitate your E-learning Quran programs journey, we support all major communication software. Once you sign up, the onboarding team will set you up with your preferred communication mode.

Minnesota Online Quran Academy

Both female and male teachers are available at Al Quran Academy. Once you sign up, our onboarding team will help you get connected with the best tutors to help your journey of Quran learning online get started at your schedule!


Learn Noorani Qaida Online is a gentle yet powerful foundation to begin with. We'll help you build your confidence as you unlock the secrets hidden within each letter. With our Best Online Quran Classes, you will be guided deeper into the heart of the Holy Book.


Immerse yourself in the melodic flow as you learn Nazra online from home, with our Nazra classes. Flow effortlessly through the verses, allowing the soothing rhythm to wash over your soul and instill a sense of profound peace. 


For those seeking a deeper understanding and mastery, explore the art of Tajweed. Online Quran classes will help you delve into the intricacies of pronunciation, mastering the rules and nuances that elevate your recitation to an art form. Honor each syllable its rightful due, allowing the sacred text to shine through with precision and beauty.


Take your connection to the Divine Word to another level with Quran reading and memorization. With our Quranic Learning Platform, you are welcome to inscribe the verses onto the tablets of your heart and make it a cherished companion that walks with you wherever you go.


Embark on a journey beyond the pages of the Qur'an with our Hadees program. Whether it be the Quran Classes for Kids or Adults, discover the profound teachings and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), enriching your and your kid's understanding of Islam and its impact on the world.

Arabic Language

Unlock the world of rich Islamic culture with our Arabic spoken language program. Learn Quran Online for Adults and bridge the cultural gaps to forge meaningful connections as you master the art of Arabic communication.

Dua & Prayer

Learn Quran online whether you're a seasoned Muslim or a new convert, with our Dua and Prayer program. Learn the proper etiquette and profound meanings behind each supplication, allowing your heart to find solace and strength in His presence.

New Muslim

For those newly embracing Islam, our New Muslim Course offers a welcoming and supportive environment to learn and grow. Through engaging online Quran lessons and a vibrant community, you will gain a deeper understanding of Islamic beliefs and practices, fostering a sense of belonging and connection with fellow Muslims. 

Structured Lessons

Structured lessons provide a clear roadmap of your learning. Each lesson is built upon the concepts of previous one, ensuring you acquire a strong foundation of the course.

Abundant Resources

Your teacher will give you access to a ton of engaging resources (audio recordings, video lectures etc.) to make your learning experience dynamic and enriching.

Learning Reports

Identify areas for improvement with our detailed learning reports. These reports will help you personalize your learning journey and maximize your results.

Flexible Scheduling

Learn at your own pace, on your own time, and make your Quranic studies a seamless part of your daily routine.

Q&A Sessions

Get your queries answered by expert religious scholars and stay on the right track, with confidence.

Teacher Evaluations

To ensure growth for both students and their teacher, Al Quran Desk enforces teacher evaluation forms for every registered teacher.

Pricing Model

Pay as you go with our innovative pricing model, to help you learn Islam without money being a problem!

Best Online Quran Academy in Newyork

Weekly Classes

Focus on the things you’re learning each week. Take some time to figure out how long do you want to spend studying during the weekdays. We also offer classes on the weekends! And remember, it’s all up to you! You have the freedom to choose the number of hours that works best for you.

Children's Quran Academy Online in Minnesota

Monthly Schedule

If you are signing up for your children or sibling’s study (or generally people who need/like a consistent schedule), monthly commitments will work best. Study for the whole month after one payment, to ensure you stay focused on your lessons.

Quran Online in Washington DC



  • 2 classes per week
  • 30 minutes per class



  • 3 classes per week
  • 30 minutes per class



  • 5 classes per week
  • 30 minutes per class



  • 7 classes per week
  • 30 minutes per class
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Learn at your own pace from qualified instructors, access diverse learning materials, connect with a global community of learners, and gain a deeper understanding of the Quran and Islamic knowledge.

We offer courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. You can choose a program that suits your existing knowledge and goals.

Yes, we have dedicated courses for learning various recitation styles like Qira’at Ashra, Qira’at Hafs, and Qira’at Warsh.

You only need a stable internet connection and a computer or mobile device to access our online platform and learning materials.

Yes, we offer live online sessions, interactive forums, and discussion groups to facilitate engagement and community building.

Yes, we welcome learners of all faiths who are interested in exploring the Quran and Islamic teachings. We offer introductory courses and resources designed for beginners.

We are constantly striving to improve and expand our course offerings based on student feedback and the evolving needs of the community. We welcome suggestions and ideas for new courses or learning resources.

We employ a communicative approach that emphasizes practical skills and real-world application of the language.

Experience the Holy Quran Difference

“Arise for prayer during the night, except for half of it – or a little more – And recite the Quran in measured tones.” – 73:1-2

And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?" (54:17)



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